Building Follett Genre Solutions

Meet the experts who will guide you on your genre journey.

Over the past few years, Follett offered customized genre processing options for those early adopters who quickly embraced genrefication. The word has been spreading about how adding genre support to your library can encourage students to read more.

The word is definitely getting out, and librarians and media specialists are looking for an easy way to get started. We’ve packaged up our offerings into Follett Genre Solutions — including our collection of Follett Genres, Titlewave, Destiny® support, colorful labels and signage, Do-It-Yourself Genre Starter Kits, Team Genre for support, and so much more.

Our Genre Advisory Board

Follett invited librarians and media specialists to share their experiences and support us in developing a new standard. Twenty-seven members joined our effort! This team and Follett’s own librarians met over the span of six months to share collective successes and lessons learned to develop our solutions.

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We enlisted help from Texas, Oregon, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Colorado and more. We even had librarians from Germany and Norway!

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Over six months, we reviewed each genre for its fit and longevity in our standard. Leveraging the collective experience of our team of librarians, we believe our solution will give you the tools, support and confidence to start your own journey.

Sofia D'Arcy

Library Services Specialist
Houston Independent School District
Houston, TX

“If genrefying the collection means more students will read more books on their own, then let’s genrefy!”

“We have learned to be creative with our space and flexible with our library arrangement — making it more of a Learning Commons than it has ever been before. Everyone has benefitted, and I cannot imagine ever going back to the boring place we used to be.”

Shirley Cook-Dickey

Clear Lake High School
Clear Creek, TX

Rachel A. Grover

Head Librarian
Rocky Run Middle School
Chantilly, VA

“Our circulation skyrocketed initially and has maintained high numbers in the years since we genrefied. I love my genrefied library for readers’ advisory because I can start with ‘What genre do you like?’ or ‘What have you read recently?’ and head to that genre. Instead of blindly guessing the genres of each book organized by author’s last name, I can scan the books in that section and recommend an appropriate book easily and quickly.”

Read more about Rachel’s experiences genrefying her library on her blog.

“Students love knowing where and how to find exactly what they are looking for. Teachers have had nothing but positive things to say about the layout and placement of books in our library.”

Wendy McAlister

Groves Elementary School
Humble, TX

FREE Curation Service

Our certified librarians and licensed teachers research titles for you based on the specifications you provide, giving you more time to ensure that those titles meet the needs of your school community.

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Follett Library Curation Service