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Follett Digital Audiobooks offer instant, easy access – from school or home – to thousands of children’s and young adult titles. Students can easily checkout and listen to titles — whether they’re on their computer or mobile device.
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Create a student-centered learning experience in one easy-to-use environment. These bundles are organized by subject and topic to help you fill curriculum gaps, align to standards and help your students build topical background knowledge and vocabulary.
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Access the power of Follett Destiny Discover® anytime, anywhere. It provides easy access to ebooks for students, as well as usage data for librarians on the go.
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With over 200,000 titles to choose from, we’ve got all the key subject areas covered. eBooks give you the flexibility you need — in the classroom, the media center, or from home.
Featuring picture-books, biographies and graphic novels for grades preK–8 — great for struggling and reluctant readers, or as a fun independent reading option for all.
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Improve literacy skills with these nonfiction, high-interest titles for grades K–6 — perfect for emergent, reluctant and struggling readers.
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These leveled, informational texts – addressing life science, physical science and geography – include comprehensive instructional support and integrated activities.
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Informational books are energized with these leveled science, social studies and high-interest English and Bilingual titles for grades K–6.
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Books come to life with interactive features such as animation, sound, highlighted text and easy-to-use tools that allow students to control the reading experience.
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Our learning databases align with school curriculum requirements and provide a dynamic, multimedia learning experience — supporting varied learning styles across multiple topics and issues.
Augment your collection with fun, age-appropriate text and interactivity that reach your students at their level, 24/7 from both school and home, promoting comprehension and supporting your curriculum.
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