Follett User-Assigned eBooks

Follett eBooks NEW 90-day, assigned-user access model is perfect for the classroom.

Flexible AND Affordable! As low as $1.29!

Schools need quality classroom resources that can be delivered virtually so they can pivot between in-person and remote learning as needed. Follett eBooks, in a 90-day, assigned-user access model, enable teachers to assign a specific title to students for 90-day access, which keeps students reading anywhere. They’re an easy access, short-term, per student model, perfect for pairing with classroom books. This solution allows for equitable access to popular titles for all students, whether they’re learning from home or in the classroom.

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Check out Follett eBooks in action.

You can’t always take notes in a classroom novel. But you can in an eBook!

Schools looking for a digital counterpart to their classroom novels love Follett eBooks, in a 90-day, assigned-user access model because they help bridge the gap between in-person and remote learning as needed. Plus, they offer display modifications that enable students to adjust font size, lighting, or contrast on the screen. These embedded digital tools make it easier for students to annotate, bookmark, highlight and engage in deeper reading. The option of having an eBook to read may also encourage reluctant readers to dive in and read more closely.

Here are some ways to pair classroom books with eBooks in a 90-day, assigned-user access model:

  • Whole-class novel study
  • Small-group literature circles and book clubs
  • One-School, One Book initiatives
  • Summer Reading
  • Battle of the Books

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Follett User-Assigned eBooks

Follett User-Assigned eBooks

Manage everything through Destiny.

Using the 90-day, assigned-user access model requires your school to have Follett Destiny® Library Manager or Follett Destiny Discover® District Manager. Your eBooks will be available through a web browser or app.

Here’s how to provide your teachers with the materials they need to keep students reading no matter where they are:

  • Shop on Titlewave®, where you’ll find a great selection at affordable pricing.
  • Order your eBooks through Titlewave.
  • eBooks will appear in your Destiny system.
  • Destiny Discover provides one discovery interface for students and educators to search and access digital content.
  • The Destiny admin (or librarian) sets up the teacher in the Destiny system.
  • The teacher can assign the eBooks to individual students (books cannot be assigned more than once).
  • The subscription term starts when the eBook is assigned to the student.

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Follett User-Assigned eBooks