Empower your students to cultivate perseverance, foster friendships, and effectively manage their emotions through these carefully curated resources that affirm student identity while fostering community and empathy.
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These titles are the perfect opportunity to support kids in need and develop empathy for others in your school. Remind your students that they are not alone in their stress and anxiety.
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Build character and foster an understanding of respect with this great assortment of books for Grades PreK-5.
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Begin the next school year focused on building relationships, starting with this great list of picture books that focus on showing love and respect. Themes include friendship, fitting in, connection, and more.
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Our certified librarians and licensed teachers research titles for you based on the specifications you provide, giving you more time to ensure that those titles meet the needs of your school community.
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Explore a collection of professional books designed to engage and support the growth and development of the whole child.
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Author Dr. Jason D. DeHart explores the ways in which comics can teach students empathy and improve critical literacy skills – information that’s explored at length in his new book.
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Picture books are a valuable tool in fostering SEL, offering a lens through which to view ourselves and helping young people figure out how to be human. Find picture book recommendations through #ClassroomBookADay to help support SEL growth in your classroom.